Mercedes drive to the park

I went for a drive to the park in my Mercedes. Daddy attached the handle to give me a push, but I did all the driving. I am a really good driver. I could drive really straight and then pull to the side of the rode when cars were coming. I could turn up onto the curve with perfect precision. I could even park my car really well.

At the park I played with my contruction vehicles in the sand. There was a good amount of space for me to play in, but I had to avoid the cat poop. Those darn stray cats like to use the park sandbox as their own litter box.

After playing in the park I drove over to 7-Eleven to pick up smoothies for me and Mommy. Then I drove them back home. We really enjoyed our afternoon treat!


We went out for yakiniku tonight! We thought we deserved a treat and boy did we enjoy it. Not only was there a lot of great food, but great drinks as well. They had peach juice at the yakiniku restaurant that made my day!

I ate so much meat! Mommy and Daddy literally could not cook it fast enough. Every time they put some on my plate it disappeared. I ate a lot of meat and then finished off dinner with soft serve ice cream with strawberry sauce. Yummy!

After a great dinner we headed home. As usual there was some funny Daddy-walk happening that made me laugh a lot. Daddy was bouncy off the walls like a billiard ball, so I had to copy him.

What a fun-filled day!

First standing pee

I just wanted to note a milestone today: I peed standing up. We were at a restaurant and someone was using the toilet so Daddy asked me if I wanted to try use the urinal and I said yes. Luckily the urinal went all the way to the ground so I stepped up, pulled down my pants, and peed standing up. I have to admit, this is a lot easier that peeing sitting down. I think this may be my new go-to way of peeing.

Far subway/train

Daddy had to work today to make up for the day he took off to watch me when I was sick. Mommy had a funeral to go to so I tagged along. We rode the subway so long that it turned in to a regular train and emerged from the underground. I was very well behaved at the funeral and did everything that Mommy told me to do. Then we had lunch with Mommy’s coworkers and their family. I was very well behaved at lunch too!

Hedgehog TV buddy, mat tunnel, special dinner

I got up, ate breakfast, and got ready for school so quickly that I had some extra time to watch TV with my mimicking hedgehog pal.

At school we had a very active time on the obstacle course our teachers made out of gym mats and hula hoops. I had tons of fun going through the tunnel.

The last weekday of the month is very busy for Daddy and he always comes home very late, so Mommy and I went out for dinner just the two of us. We went to one of my favorite restaurants to get an ajifry set meal. As usual I enjoyed it thoroughly and ate the whole thing up.

When we got home I opened up my advent calendar and got a cute little car. I was so happy to get it, even though I mentioned that I wanted another barrel like yesterday.

Barrel and dessert

Today’s advent calendar prize was a barrel! I was super happy to get it! I like having things I can put in the road to cause my cars to have accidents.

Mommy made a special marshmallow snack, but it was a little hard to eat for me so I chose to eat the jelly that Ojisan brought from Tokyo for me. I chose peach and it was delicious! Thank you, Ojisan!

Advent Calendars 2024

Daddy got Mommy and me advent calendars! I got a construction toy advent calendar and Mommy got a skin car advent calendar. I think I got the more fun one of the two.

We started opening them today so that we could open one ever day before we left on our trip. Today’s toy was a helicopter! I guess construction sites need helicopters for cargo and stuff. It was pretty cool! I have a feeling that this is going to be a fun thing for me to look forward to everyday.

Pink jacket

I was very happy to wear my new pink jacket today! I had to show it off to my teacher as well!

It was a rainy day so we had to play indoors today. We had a lot of crafts to do and. we also did some gymnastics.

It was a day full of smiles. I guess the sick day really helped.

Sick day

Today I woke up with a slight fever and swollen eyes crusted over. I had such a buy and tiring weekend that my body couldn’t take it and I came down with a cold and a mild eye infection. Daddy stayed home with me and took me to the doctor.

I was so well behaved. I went to the doctor without complaint and got examined without any fuss. I did everything the doctor asked me to do. After the examination I checked with Daddy just to be sure. “Mason was good boy, yeah?” Daddy said I was a very good boy. But he noted that he needed me to continue to be a good boy and take my medicine. I said I would. Then he appended that I would need to take my eye drops as well. I did not immediately agree to that. I told Daddy that I would try my best.

After the doctor’s office we went to the pharmacy to pick up my medicine and I was very well behaved there too. There was a find the difference game on the TV and I did quite well. I spotted several things that Daddy hadn’t found. I was having such a great sick day with Daddy.

We headed out for lunch. I told Daddy that I wanted omurice so that is what I got. I ate up my entire lunch. Then we headed for the bookstore and picked up a couple of new books.

We also went to Uniqlo to get me some new winter jackets. I outgrew all the ones I used last year. I looked at the selection and said that I wanted a pink one. Daddy asked about the blue one or grey one, but I said I wanted pink. Daddy didn’t look very enthusiastic about it at first but after he let me try the pink jacket on and saw how my face just lit up with joy he got me the colors that I wanted.

Part of our negotiations to get me to take my eye drops with the least amount of trouble included playing the crane game at the game center and getting to eat some Hi-Chew. At the crane game I got another Tomica which I was very excited about.

Daddy played with my new car once we got home. And I stuck to the deal and took my medicine and eye drops without any problems. I didn’t like the eye drops but I braved it out and didn’t cry.

I ended up taking a short nap in the late afternoon when I drifted off to sleep while watching my shows.

When Mommy came home Daddy told her about how good I was and I showed her my new car. I also showed Mommy my new jackets and she said they were very cute and cool!

I was feeling much better after this sick day. I think I was just worn out from the weekend. My fever went down and my eyes got better right after getting the medicine. It was actually a very fun day!

Family gathering

We had a family gathering on Mommy’s side of the family today. We picked up Ojisan from the airport and then drove out to Jiiji’s hometown. I had a pretty good time bonding with Ojisan in the car.

But it was a very long ride so near the end I got to watch some of my shows on the iPad.

I was very well behaved at the lunch. I quietly greeted relatives that I was meeting for the first time. I ate most of my lunch and sat nicely the whole time. I just interacted with Mommy and Daddy and smiled politely when people asked questions about me.

After lunch we headed over to one of Mommy’s Aunt and Uncle’s house. There was a doggie there that kept my attention for the time we spent there.

I was well behaved there too!

Before long it was time to make the long drive back to the city. Ojisan had a flight to catch back to Tokyo. So off we went.

We got back to the city safely and met up with Obachan. We all went to see Ojisan off at the airport.

We stopped by a coffee shop to chat until Ojisan had to leave on his flight.

I did some airplane watching. Real ones outside and model ones in the coffee shop.

Before long we had to say goodbye to Ojisan and we wished him a safe trip.

When we got home I wanted to play on my Mercedes since I didn’t have much time to play at home today. So I had a night drive.

Advent (Christmas) Market

Mommy had to work today, so Daddy and I decided to meet her in the city so that we could all go to the Advent Market (formerly Christmas market). They opened up an additional location this year so we went there to check it out. I wanted to eat my poop lollipop that I had gotten during Halloween so that was the first thing I did at the Christmas market.

But Daddy also found a cute little reindeer snack for me at one of the food stalls. I only ate the fruits and cream and gave the acai and granola to Mommy.

It started to get cold so Daddy lent me his jacket for a bit.

We took some pictures in front of the Christmas tree and then with a bunch of Santas.

Daddy and I found a Santa in the reindeer house that we thought was cute so we took a picture there as well.

Then Mommy and I found some cute places to take pictures together.

It was a fun outing and we enjoyed the festivities.

Before we headed home Mommy found an event that was selling actual Leonard’s Bakery malasadas so we went to pick a few up and ate them at home.

They were so delicious! I just dug right in (while making funny faces for the fun of it)!