English, Christmas tree, police car maneuvers

We had another fun English lesson today! After seeing the photo of me during the English lesson I realized that I have to improve my posture. Slouching makes me look very uninterested even though I really enjoy the English lessons.

We also decorated the Christmas tree in the elevator hall of our building. I plan to talk to Mommy and Daddy about putting up and decorating our own tree as soon as possible.

After decorating the tree we ran around in the park laughing and giggling the whole time.

By the way, check out how efficient my police cars are at capturing bad guys by utilizing boxing in maneuvers. It is not easy, but they were well practiced.

Goofy smile, serious play

I can be very goofy when the camera is on me. It is hard to get a normal smile out of me. I like to make silly faces and goofy smiles. I also have interesting fashion choices. The mismatched socks are on purpose. So is the backwards pants. I like to have a front pocket so I often put my pants on backwards so that the back pocket becomes a front pocket.

Smiling for the camera is goofy, but play time is serious business.

Run, walk, chair gymnastics

On our walk to the park we were very surprised and happy to see that the moon was visible in the sky. It was as if it came out during the day just to watch us play. We had a lot of fun playing in the park under the gaze of the moon.

When we got back to school we had our gymnastics class and did chair gymnastics and the bar.

Water gun

The toy I got with my kids’ meal was a water gun. I think I had one before, but I was so little I didn’t know how to use it. This time I knew exactly how it worked. After finishing lunch I made plans to play with my new water gun in the bath tonight. But in the meantime I was familiarizing myself with the weapon system and testing its trigger pull weight.

In the bath I asked Daddy to fill the water gun up with water. When he handed it to me I immediately took up the shooter’s stance and adopted a shoot and advance posture. No one taught me how to hold a gun or how to shoot it properly. Maybe I’m just a natural. Daddy was surprised and thought I looked like a SWAT member or Navy Seal (both terms that I don’t understand).

I had fun playing with my water gun and knew the rules without anyone telling me. I didn’t point it at anyone and only shot toys, targets, and the wall.

Costco trip

We went to Costco today. First we had lunch at a nearby food court and I wanted to eat omurice. It was so delicious and I ate the whole thing! Then we started shopping at Costco and I was very well behaved. As a treat, Mommy and I shared a soft-serve ice cream.

I’d like to say it was split 50:50, but we all know that that wasn’t the case. We finished it up in the car.

Nothing better than a full tummy and a nice car ride to put you right to sleep.

I woke up when we got home and after dinner still had time to play.

Busy morning

I woke up pretty early and in a pretty good mood. Probably the reason for both was that Daddy bought me a special melon bread yesterday and I was saving it for breakfast. It was interesting because it was purple and it had a softer texture than normal melon bread. It was delicious!

After breakfast I played with the frog rocket that I made at school. I can jump really high!

Today I drove a bus in the house and picked up a lot of animal passengers. I had many stops and made sure that everyone got off at their destination. It was a very busy route.

While chatting with Nana and Papa I played with my tool set and used the hammer, wrench, and screwdriver really well. It was easy to use on the tool bench but harder to use to put things together. For that I use my most versatile tool of all: Daddy.

After all that playing I wanted to just relax a bit so we read a few books together.

It was a very fun-filled busy morning.

Frog rockets

It was a rainy day today so we stayed indoors. Our teachers showed us how to make frog rockets out of paper cups and rubber bands. It was fun to make and fun to watch the frogs jump.

Update: I showed Mommy and Daddy how the frog rockets worked at a later date.

Changing seasons

We noticed on our walks that the leaves on trees has been changing lately. They are turning yellow, orange, or red. And the weather is getting colder. I guess autumn is here for good and we are moving into winter. The weather, while cool, is very comfortable for running around in the park.

Onion seedlings

Today we got to plant some onion seedlings. In the process of preparing the soil we found a few bug larva which was fascinating. The onion seedling planting went well because we don’t mind getting our hands dirty.

After returning to school we had a fun gymnastics class where we did chair gymnastics and mat work.

Bath fingerpainting

In the bath we did some finger painting again. I had Daddy paint a fire truck for me. I decorated the scene with a lot of handprints. One ended up with a cute little heart mark. I mixed a lot of colors to make the handprints and wanted to show Mommy. We called her in and she comment that it looked like a scene from a horror movie. I’ve never seen a horror movie, but I kind of liked the idea that what I made was scary.

Long walk

We had quite a long walk today.

We walked through the park and checked in on the ducks as usual.

We went to the observatory floor in the prefectural office and looked at all the vehicles far below.

And we checked out the sumo exhibit in the prefectural office as well.