Meeting Mommy and Jiiji & Baaba

Daddy and I arrived at the museum where Mommy had an event to do today. Jiiji and Baaba were already there and I greeted them with smiles. I instantly started interacting with them and when Daddy had to go to the restroom I opted to stay with Jiiji and Baaba instead of going with Daddy. We found a nice window from which to observe all the traffic below. We spotted a lot of buses and taxis from there.

When Mommy finished work we all headed to a coffee shop for a drink and a snack. I was feeling quite relaxed and laid back.

I chose a melon-pan for my snack. It was really good, but a bit too big for me to finish (especially since I had a big lunch). So we brought the rest home.

At one point I was being a little bossy and stubborn by not letting Jiiji read the sticker that was on the table. But Jiiji turned my potential mood breaker into a game and we had a lot of laughs.

After our afternoon snack we said goodbye to Jiiji and Baaba and headed home. On the way back from the subway station Daddy and I had fun doing silly walks.

When we got home I was still in a playful mood and was goofing around with Mommy a bit.

Even after dinner I was in a very playful mood and ended up working up quite a sweat.

Pancakes and tears

As promised, I made pancakes with Mommy this morning. I woke up very excited about the pancake making and eating. They were delicious!

But for a morning that started off with much excitement and many smiles, it ended up in tears. Mommy had to work today, even though it is Sunday. I was informed of this well in advanced, but that didn’t mean I was happy about it. I burst into tears when Mommy had to leave. We already had plans to meet her in the city when she was done with work and even meet up with Jiiji and Baaba, but it didn’t matter. I was sad now.

After seeing Mommy off, I talked with Daddy and calmed down. Daddy reassured me that there was nothing wrong with feeling sad about Mommy leaving and even crying was good and healthy. I was just overcome by sadness at that moment and that was fine. Not long after we started to play and I was back to my normal self. We had a good lunch and before I knew it we were off on the train to see Mommy. It wasn’t as long as I thought it would be.

On our way out, we checked on our garden and I observed that our tomato looked like a butt. Or a peach. Necessary information and we departed for the subway.

Car nap to couch nap

We went to an event that was a bit of a drive away. We ate some food there and checked out some booths. It was surprising hot and I got real tired. On the drive home I fell asleep in the car. When we got home Daddy carried me into the house, but I didn’t wake up. I ended up taking a nice long nap on Daddy on the couch. Little by little I slid off of him and ended up half standing and half lying on his nap. Despite the awkward position, it was a very comfortable and rejuvenating nap.

I woke up in a good mood and had a good dinner. By that time I was overflowing with energy again so we had a lot of fun playing with balloons again.

Breakfast buffet

We went out to a restaurant buffet for breakfast. At first I didn’t like that idea. I wanted to make pancakes with Mommy and had it in my mind that we would do that today. Daddy apologized for not letting me know about our plans and promised that I would be able to make pancakes with Mommy tomorrow. But due to our schedule, we couldn’t go to the buffet tomorrow. He also added that there are times when we don’t get exactly what we want when we want it. There are times where we have to do things we don’t want to do. Then he asked me to just go to the breakfast buffet, which I had enjoyed before, and try to enjoy it. I said I would try.

In the end, I loved it! There were so many choices of foods! When we got there and I saw the selection I was giddy with excitement and could barely control myself. When we sat down I told Mommy and Daddy, “Thank you for taking me here. Thank you for buying me breakfast.” We had a great breakfast! And we had a nice window seat where I could observe cars coming into the parking lot and driving by on the street. I think we will definitely be coming back here again.

Morning run, rescue truck, aji-fry dinner

On our way to school, Daddy usually carries me halfway and I walk the rest. Today I was asking to be carried the second half as well. So Daddy ran away from me and we turned my want to be carried into a morning run. It was a good way to get the blood flowing and get to school with a smile on my face.

On our walk we spotted a rescue truck! It was so cool! I wish I could see emergency vehicles every day!

Mommy and I decided to eat dinner at our local aji-fry diner. As usual, I ate an enter adult-sized set meal. How could I not? It was so yummy!

English lesson

We had another fun English lesson where we studied animal names. I always enjoy these lessons even though they are a bit easy for me. I find that my classmates often model their speech after me, mimicking my pronunciation.

When Mommy picked me up from school I chose a book to borrow, but had to read through it before bringing it home. It was a book that I have borrowed and read many times so my “reading” of each page was pretty accurate.

Long bread, car crane, and crane kick?

We had pasta for dinner and as usual we had what I call “long bread” or a baguette. Normally we slice it up, but today I wanted to eat it as is so I just chomped into it. It made sharing slightly unhygienic, but we’re all family.

After dinner I was playing cars with Mommy and somehow we got to the point when she became a pumpkin carrying crane and my job was to put cars into the pumpkin.

Just before bath time I was being silly and doing all kinds of poses, like this karate kid crane kick (?).

Airplanes and gymnastics

We pretended to be airplanes at the park today. We ran around, soaring through the air. We had a very busy day of many flights with multiple destinations.

We started our gymnastics class by asking our teacher all about her means of transportation. We were very interested in what train or bus she took to see us today.

After the transit inquiries we did some chair gymnastics, mat work, and jumping box.

Car color guessing game

Daddy and I played a guessing game. First he would grab one of my cars and I would have to guess the color. If I had trouble guessing it, I would say, “Hint please” and he would give me a hint. I usually got it right away with the hint.

Then I wanted to be the game master and I wanted Daddy to guess. I did the same thing that he did, but sometimes I couldn’t wait to give him the hint. My hints were a bit to easy. I would say, “It’s black!” and then he would guess, “Black”. It was a lot of fun and I just couldn’t stay still while playing. I worked up quite a sweat for a guessing game.

Vehicle Event

Mommy found out about this vehicle event so we hopped in the car and drove there. There were all kinds of vehicles and booths to see.

First we took a tour of a train.

And we took some pictures of the train and train tracks.

We hopped on an electric bus.

Checked out a booth with interesting mechanical toys.

I also got to operate a train track inspection vehicle.

I also learned about railroad crossings.

I also got to make a cool badge. I chose the pink one because I like buses and pink is my favorite color.

We stopped by for a snack on the way home.

It was a long drive, but we had fun on the way home!

Bouncy Emergency Vehicles

At the shopping center, there was an emergency vehicle even where I got to play in a bouncy air emergency vehicle area. It was a lot of fun and I liked bouncing around and falling down. And of course I loved all the emergency vehicles.

It was all good, that is until other kids showed up. I was not good at sharing. In my defense, I was there first and the little kid did not ask to have a turn. He just showed up and tried to take my steering wheel. I didn’t like that so I started nudge and then push him away. Mommy and Daddy tried to talk me through what to do but I wasn’t listening. Eventually they had to come and get me and take me out of the bouncy area. We have had many talks about sharing with other and hitting and throwing. There are still times where I mess up and just need have my way.

I was sad because we had to leave and Mommy and Daddy were disappointed that I still can’t share properly. I was very stubborn about the issue today and would not admit that I was wrong and I was just very sad. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

After I woke up and was rested, I had another talk with Mommy and Daddy and understood what I did was wrong and promised to try to be better.

Counting practice

I’m pretty good at counting. I can easily count up to twenty in both English and Japanese. Also, when I want to be carried, Daddy quizzes me on math problems and I do pretty good. Still, it is good to keep up my counting practice so I asked to play with my counting toy today. Easy peasy, one, two, threesy!

Pink ambulance

I got my first Tomica car in February of last year. I used the Valentine’s money that Nana and Papa sent me to buy an ambulance and Dr. Heli. I would take my ambulance to sleep with me every night. That was the beginning and my Tomica (Hotwheels) passion has not waned. But over a year of play, my ambulance was showing some wear and tear. The paint started to peel.

Daddy offered to repaint it for me. When he asked what color, I answered “pink”, which is my favorite color. So after ordering different tools and paints needed to repaint my ambulance and spending several nights working on it, my new pink ambulance was completed. I was more than thrilled about it! Thank you, Daddy!