My new year did not start off so happy. I woke up in a mood and made it very apparent to everyone. I was told that I have to behave better and if I act selfish I would be alone. So I ended up alone. I was brooding and moping but no one engaged meContinue reading “Happy New Year!”
Tag Archives: beach
New Year’s Eve
I woke up in a good enough mood and wanted my usual fruits for breakfast. Daddy made a fruit parfait for me instead and I really enjoyed it. After eating breakfast I got ready without problem and then I was right to playing again. I had fun playing with all my toys. I create worldsContinue reading “New Year’s Eve”
Last day on Kauai
Today was our last full day on Kauai. It was supposed to be a really long visit but it felt very short. Where did the time go? Well, I guess a lot of the time was dedicated to eating and playing with cars, but besides that. It flew by way too fast. Just some ofContinue reading “Last day on Kauai”
Beach day
I woke up in a really bad mood and was contradictory about everything. It was a typical case of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. After I got some breakfast in me I was a lot better. We went to the farmers’ market this morning and there were a lot of thingsContinue reading “Beach day”
Christmas Day Beach
It was such a nice Christmas day that we decided to go to the beach. I like the beach and did not hesitate at all to head to the water. I didn’t even wait for Mommy to get ready. I grabbed Daddy’s hand and headed straight for the waves. Playing in the waves near theContinue reading “Christmas Day Beach”
Back at the beach
Yes, we are back at the beach again. Two beach days in a row! It’s nice to be in Hawaii. But today is different because I have a something special that I picked up at the store. What could it be? It took a bit to get ready so here I am waiting patiently forContinue reading “Back at the beach”
Beach day on Kauai
We finally went to the beach today! We’ve been so busy having fun at home we didn’t think about going to the beach. I was so happy that we were finally here! But it took some time to get reaquainted with the beach. Ooh, look, fish! Taking the plunge Daddy is my seahorse. Up, up,Continue reading “Beach day on Kauai”
Kalapaki beach
There is not much I can say that can better describe our trip to the beach that you can’t see in the photos. We all had a great time and I am still pretty comfortable in the water! We had so much fun!
Fun in the water and on the sand
I love the beach now, and am not hesitant about going in the water at all! In fact, once we got into view of the water I pointed in that direction, telling Daddy to take me in at once! So in we went! We were in such a hurry that my hat kept falling offContinue reading “Fun in the water and on the sand”
Hawaii beach: water, sky, and sand
First Hawaii beach
As you can see from the pictures and videos, my first Hawaii beach was awesome! I had a slow hesitant start, but I warmed up to the water quite quickly and ended up loving it! I think I’m surprising everyone with how quickly I get used to things and end up liking things.
Beach Day
Today I went to the beach for the first time ever! We were waiting for the right time for my first visit. We couldn’t go in the middle of the summer because the temperatures can reach 36°C (96.8°F) and that would be way to hot for me to enjoy it. Also, the beach is aContinue reading “Beach Day”