We went out for Mommy’s birthday dinner tonight! The food was very good, but we had a limited time at the table, so we had to eat kind of fast. We had a fun time. Mommy made me crack up by making crossed-eyes. I thought it was hilarious! I tried to do crossed-eyes to, butContinue reading “Mommy’s birthday dinner”
Tag Archives: birthday
Happy Birthday Mommy!🎂ðŸŽ
After a nice dinner I was in a very good mood. I was in an even better mood when Daddy came home with birthday cakes for Mommy’s birthday. I was so excited about the cake that I couldn’t wait. But wait I did as Mommy and Daddy set everything up and took a bunch ofContinue reading “Happy Birthday Mommy!🎂🎔
Birthday dinner
Both Mommy and Daddy came to pick me up from school today. That is rare. I was really happy to see both of them! We were all going out to dinner for my birthday. I had fun just walking there. But when we got to the restaurant, I changed my mind and said that IContinue reading “Birthday dinner”
Birthday morning
It’s my birthday! I’m three years old! That doesn’t change the fact that I’m very sleepy. Maybe I’m growing again. After all, I’m one year older. I woke up sleepy this morning, but I just sat on the couch, nestled against Daddy with his arm around me and I ate my breakfast. I eventually wokeContinue reading “Birthday morning”
Birthday party at school
Today at school we had a birthday party for May birthday kids, so that included me. I think I surprised everyone when I agreed to wear my birthday crown because I am not necessarily known for my cooperative nature when it comes to wearing accessories and costumes. I enjoyed our little birthday party. When askedContinue reading “Birthday party at school”
3rd Birthday Party
It is a bit early, but we had my 3rd birthday party today. We had to do it while Nana and Papa were still in town. I was in a pretty good mood and I was well behaved. I knew how these things work. (It is my third time going through this.). There is aContinue reading “3rd Birthday Party”
Birthday cake
Daddy came home early enough today for us to celebrate his birthday properly with a happy birthday song and cake. I even threw in a happy birthday dance to make things more festive.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
I helped Mommy decorate the house for Daddy’s birthday, but he had to work late so we weren’t able to celebrate properly. We just took some photos and are planning to have cake tomorrow. But that doesn’t mean I don’t get to steal his thunder with all my posing in front of the decorations.
2nd Birthday Dinner
Once Daddy came home from work we all hopped in the car and headed out for my 2nd birthday dinner. We went to a special restaurant that had a special kids’ meal. My food came served in a fire truck! Isn’t that awesome! This was actually the first restaurant where I literally cleaned my plateContinue reading “2nd Birthday Dinner”
Birthday at nursery school
I went to nursery school today. One reason was that it was my birthday and another was that it was our health check day. It was nice seeing my friends and teachers again after a while. I slipped right back into my usual routine. On our walk we went past a restaurant with a foodContinue reading “Birthday at nursery school”
Look who’s 2
Guess who’s 2? This guy! Today is my birthday! I’m 2 years old today!
2nd Birthday Party
I had my 2nd birthday party today! It is weird because my birthday is still a few days away. I guess we just wanted to have the party on a day when everyone could make it. I was very happy to see everybody. It was quite full house. Of course, Mommy and Daddy were there.Continue reading “2nd Birthday Party”
First birthday party: Erabitori
The next tradition was Erabitori is basically trying to see what kind of future career I will pursue. Personally, I think it is too early too choose. Afterall, I just turned one. I have about twenty more years before I have to make this decision. But this is tradition, so I went along with it.Continue reading “First birthday party: Erabitori”
First Birthday Party: Isshou Mochi
After I had cake we did the traditional Japanese Isshou Mochi. Basically, babies are given about 2kg (4.4lbs) of mochi to carry on their back. Why? Well, the short answer is tradition. There are longer and more detailed explanations online. Putting the “why” aside, let’s look at the other Ws. Who: babies What: about 2Continue reading “First Birthday Party: Isshou Mochi”
First Birthday Party
Today we had a party celebrating my first birthday! Decorations, presents, cake, and family all for me! I was so happy! Although I did cry a bit when I saw Jiiji and Baaba. It had been a while and I still am wary of unfamiliar people. But then I calmed down fairly quickly and startedContinue reading “First Birthday Party”
Birthday card from nursery school
When we arrived at school today, there was a nice big sign in the entrance for me. They remember my birthday! Cool! They even made me birthday card with messages from my teachers and pictures from my school life! How thoughtful! Daddy took it home for me for safe keeping, but I was so happyContinue reading “Birthday card from nursery school”
1st Birthday!
Happy birthday to me! I am 1 year old today! Yippee! Has it been a year already? It sure flew by. I really can’t describe what it is like. Of course, you know that I grew a lot and developed a lot. I picked up a lot of skills and abilities. I don’t really feelContinue reading “1st Birthday!”
Mommy’s Birthday
Daddy and I threw a surprise birthday party for Mommy today! She was very surprised and happy! We had to rush it because we did it during Daddy’s lunch break. We couldn’t do it at night because of my bedtime and my mood is not always great in the evening. Still, a noon party workedContinue reading “Mommy’s Birthday”
So how did I get here? Everything about Mommy’s pregnancy was going well. I was healthy and she was healthy. But there was one concern that was on everyone’s mind during the third trimester: my size. During our check-ups, it was becoming obvious that I was a very large baby. I mean, just look atContinue reading “Birth”
“Hello” Name: (undecided) Date: May 10th, 2021 Time: 14:37 Weight: 3926 g (8 lbs. 10.5 oz.) Length: 51.5 cm (20.28 in.) Delivered: C-Section