Mommy and Daddy are heading to a friend’s wedding today, so Obachan is coming along on our small trip to take care of me. I’m not sure where we are going but I’m sure I’ll be fine since Obachan will be there. She is my pal. We get along so well! She came over toContinue reading “Trip babysitter”
Tag Archives: first
Today I tried to use chopsticks for the first time. It was a little difficult and I really didn’t really pick much up, but I was just trying it out. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it sooner or later.
Color markers
I did some drawing with color markers for the first time today. I was very precise and delicate with my drawing. A lot of kids just scribble a mess, but I was quite conservative with my coloring. I had a plan to make use of the white space and create a minimalist impression. I thinkContinue reading “Color markers”
Halloween: Trick-or-treating dinosaur
After a lot of snacks I was ready to go trick-or-treating and show off my dinosaur costume that Grandma made for me. As I walked around the mall, I turned a lot of heads and got a lot of “Look how cute!” and “What an amazing costume!” comments. Being a dinosaur makes you really hotContinue reading “Halloween: Trick-or-treating dinosaur”
Marine World: First aquarium visit
I had my first aquarium visit today! We went to an aquarium nearby called Marine World. I had a great time! There were so many new things to see! Awesome! Things did not start off so great because the first part of the aquarium started with a dark room and the loud sound of wavesContinue reading “Marine World: First aquarium visit”
I had ice cream for the first time ever today. It is a bit of a family tradition that Grandpa gives all the grandkids their first taste of ice cream, since he is the ice cream guy. (There is never less than a dozen different pints of ice cream in the freezer and Grandma doesn’tContinue reading
First Hawaii beach
As you can see from the pictures and videos, my first Hawaii beach was awesome! I had a slow hesitant start, but I warmed up to the water quite quickly and ended up loving it! I think I’m surprising everyone with how quickly I get used to things and end up liking things.
First airplane ride
I went on my first airplane ride today! I thought it was awesome! I enjoyed it a lot! I wasn’t sure if I would like it or hate it. After all, airplane rides can be scary experiences for babies. I didn’t mind the enclosed space, I didn’t mind the strangers, I didn’t mind the loudContinue reading “First airplane ride”
First time standing
I don’t know if you caught it in the last blog post, but I stood for the first time at the park today. Have had half-seconds of standing moments the past couple of weeks, but it was never really long enough to call standing. It was more of delayed squat or a slow lean fromContinue reading “First time standing”
Wading pool
The main reason Daddy got the fake grass that we used for our picnic yesterday was so that he could setup a wading pool for me to beat the summer heat. It wasn’t super hot today, but we decided to give the pool a try. At first, I didn’t really like it because the waterContinue reading “Wading pool”
First Birthday Party: Isshou Mochi
After I had cake we did the traditional Japanese Isshou Mochi. Basically, babies are given about 2kg (4.4lbs) of mochi to carry on their back. Why? Well, the short answer is tradition. There are longer and more detailed explanations online. Putting the “why” aside, let’s look at the other Ws. Who: babies What: about 2Continue reading “First Birthday Party: Isshou Mochi”
First birthday party: Erabitori
The next tradition was Erabitori is basically trying to see what kind of future career I will pursue. Personally, I think it is too early too choose. Afterall, I just turned one. I have about twenty more years before I have to make this decision. But this is tradition, so I went along with it.Continue reading “First birthday party: Erabitori”
First Birthday Party
Today we had a party celebrating my first birthday! Decorations, presents, cake, and family all for me! I was so happy! Although I did cry a bit when I saw Jiiji and Baaba. It had been a while and I still am wary of unfamiliar people. But then I calmed down fairly quickly and startedContinue reading “First Birthday Party”
First haircut
Somebody is getting a haircut today! Oh, wait, it’s me. *gulp* Mommy and Daddy decided to give me a haircut. Not only because I often mistaken for a girl, but also because my hair is getting to be unruly. It gets in my eyes, curls in all directions, and it is pretty hot in theContinue reading “First haircut”
Birthday card from nursery school
When we arrived at school today, there was a nice big sign in the entrance for me. They remember my birthday! Cool! They even made me birthday card with messages from my teachers and pictures from my school life! How thoughtful! Daddy took it home for me for safe keeping, but I was so happyContinue reading “Birthday card from nursery school”
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone! We had great weather for our easter egg hunt today. We brought our own eggs from home and made sure I knew that there were treats inside them for me. Then the Easter Bunny hid them so that I could have my easter egg hung. The easter bunny kept the level prettyContinue reading “Happy Easter!”
First day of school…for two of us
Mommy and I are starting school today! Mommy is returning to work as an elementary school teacher. And I am going to nursery school. Someone has to watch me while Mommy and Daddy are at work and it is a good opportunity for me to meet new friends and start my education. I’ll be honest,Continue reading “First day of school…for two of us”
Paper helicopters
Out of the blue, Daddy decided to make a paper helicopter. He had a hunch that I might enjoy it. Boy, was he right! I was thrilled by watching the paper helicopter twirl around and float to the floor. It was so exciting for me to see for the first time! Daddy made this oneContinue reading “Paper helicopters”
First bus ride
I went for my first bus ride today. There is a bus stop right outside our home. It is very convenient, but we hadn’t taken advantage of it before. Usually, we take the subway or train, but today we were going to someplace that was too close for a subway ride but a little farContinue reading “First bus ride”
First climb on the couch
I did it! I climbed up on to the couch! I knew I could do it! Only 16 days since I first pulled myself up to standing and now I’m climbing. Next up, standing on my own two feet, walking, running, and then jumping. At the pace I’m going I should have all those thingsContinue reading “First climb on the couch”