I did it! I told you I would and I did! I pulled myself up to standing. Actually I did it several times today. The first two times Mommy and Daddy didn’t see me pull myself up. They just saw me standing up next to the couch. I had done it so quickly and quietlyContinue reading “First pulling up to standing”
Tag Archives: first
Family new year celebration
We had a great family new year celebration! We laughed, I cried, we talked, I napped, we ate, I pooped in my diaper, we played, I impressed everyone. What a great way to start the new year off: with healthy family, happy laughter, and surrounded with love! Happy new year, everyone! We hope you haveContinue reading “Family new year celebration”
First Santa visit
It is Christmas day! I am so happy! There has been all this hype about this day for over a month and I got really excited! It is my first Christmas! We were hoping to be able to spend my first Christmas in Hawaii with Grandma and Grandpa, but the strict travel restrictions due toContinue reading “First Santa visit”
First picnic
The weather today was surprisingly warm for December, so we decided to go for a picnic. I was too young to enjoy a picnic when I was younger, but now that I can sit up on my own, we figured it was a good time to go. We found a nice spot in the parkContinue reading “First picnic”
First crawling (army crawl)
You know that I’ve been working on crawling for a long time. It has been a very frustrating journey. But all my hard work has finally paid off. I crawled (forward) for the first time today. It wasn’t a proper crawl up on my hands and knees, but an army crawl, shuffling around on myContinue reading “First crawling (army crawl)”
Sleep training
I started sleep training last night. Let’s start with the good news: I was able to sleep! What was surprising was that I was asleep within an hour. I think that is pretty good for my first night of sleep training. The bad news is that I pretty much cried for 45 minutes straight untilContinue reading “Sleep training”
First food
I started eating solid food today! Well, it wasn’t really “solid”. I ate okayu, which is a Japanese rice porridge. It took a couple of tries to learn how to keep the food in my mouth, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. And the verdict is that I like food! I don’tContinue reading “First food”
First roll over
I did it! I finally did it! I rolled over! Yay me!!! I’ve been working so hard on it and now I finally did it! I’m so happy! It was tough, but I had a little help from my sea otter friend.
Beach Day
Today I went to the beach for the first time ever! We were waiting for the right time for my first visit. We couldn’t go in the middle of the summer because the temperatures can reach 36°C (96.8°F) and that would be way to hot for me to enjoy it. Also, the beach is aContinue reading “Beach Day”
1 month check up
Mommy and I had our 1 month check up today. Everything is A-OK! Even though I’ve only been out a few times, I’m getting used to it. I was very good during the car ride to the hospital and I was very patient in the waiting room. Mommy had her check up first so IContinue reading “1 month check up”
I went for my first shrine visit today at Umi Hachimangu. It is a very famous place for babies’ Omiyamairi because of the name. The location, Umi, is written 宇美, and is a homophone for 産ã¿, which means “birth”. So it is a famous place for pregnant women to go to pray for the safeContinue reading “Omiyamairi”
First photo shoot
I had my first photo shoot today. No, I wasn’t scouted to be a baby model. Though, I understand how you could make that assumption. Actually, I’m nearly one month old and in Japan we go for our first shrine visit, or omiyamairi. These days, many families take photos in a studio before or afterContinue reading “First photo shoot”
First stroller ride
I went out for my first stroller ride today. I think I liked it. I don’t really have much memory of it. I remember being a little uneasy when I was put in the stroller and then there was a lot of shaking. Before I knew it I was fast asleep. All the rumbling andContinue reading “First stroller ride”
First night home
I would say the my first night home went well. I won’t lie to you, there were some tears (most of them mine), but I slept pretty well. I slept about 3 or 4 hours during the night, waking up when I got hungry. I was easy on Mommy and Daddy and did not fussContinue reading “First night home”
First day home
I think my first day home went very well. Sure, I cried a bit, and of course there were a lot more diaper changes than Mommy and Daddy had anticipated, but all in all the day went very smoothly and surprisingly quickly. Mommy and Daddy were just staring at me the whole day. Every littleContinue reading “First day home”
Home sweet home
We got home safely and I took to our place very quickly. I did not cry as much as I did in the hospital. I think I knew that the hospital was not home and there is no place like home. Mommy and Daddy showed me around and I think I’m going to like livingContinue reading “Home sweet home”
First car ride
I had my first car ride today. I can’t say that I’m a big fan of cars, or more like I can’t say that I’m a big fan of being strapped into a car. I like my freedom and don’t usually enjoy being restricted. I was not really happy and I cried a little bit,Continue reading “First car ride”