It was a nice long visit, but it went by way too fast. I had a lot of fun and was very happy to see everyone, which might not have been apparent from my behavior. I have to apologize for the tantrums I threw and the trouble I caused. I am working on improving andContinue reading “Heading home to Japan”
Tag Archives: hawaii
The day after
I woke up in a good mood today and decided to keep it going by staying in bed with Mommy and Daddy to watch TV. After a while I got hungry and emerged from the bedroom. Although I did bring the container of grapes to the bedroom with every intention of eating breakfast there. EventuallyContinue reading “The day after”
Happy New Year!
My new year did not start off so happy. I woke up in a mood and made it very apparent to everyone. I was told that I have to behave better and if I act selfish I would be alone. So I ended up alone. I was brooding and moping but no one engaged meContinue reading “Happy New Year!”
New Year’s Eve
I woke up in a good enough mood and wanted my usual fruits for breakfast. Daddy made a fruit parfait for me instead and I really enjoyed it. After eating breakfast I got ready without problem and then I was right to playing again. I had fun playing with all my toys. I create worldsContinue reading “New Year’s Eve”
Day 9
I woke up fairly early today. Earlier than others in the house. But maybe I woke up too early because I ended up in a bad mood and threw a couple morning tantrums. First, I didn’t like the fact that everyone was eating breakfast together at the dining table. Usually we all eat separately whichContinue reading “Day 9”
I woke up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. I was all smiles. It was very pleasant for Mommy and Daddy to wake up to a smiley face. I was also quite well behaved. I ate my breakfast without problem and even asked, “After finish eat breakfast and get dressed, can I play?” The answerContinue reading “Sunday”
As usual, I woke up in a very good mood this morning. I had asked Papa for donuts for breakfast, but I only ate half of it. I mainly ate grapes and bananas for breakfast. After eating breakfast I got ready and played with all of my toys. Daddy had to do some shopping andContinue reading “Reunion”
Day after Christmas
I woke up after a nice long rest and the only thing I wanted to do was play. Mommy and Daddy had a hard time getting me to sit down and eat, but eventually I did, although it was a small breakfast. After eating breakfast I got changed and washed up and went right backContinue reading “Day after Christmas”
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! I woke up earlier than usual because I knew it was Christmas morning. Waking up early did not put me in the best of moods, so I was disagreeable to taking pictures in front of the Christmas tree (except for with Mommy and Daddy), but I was eager to open presents. So weContinue reading “Merry Christmas”
Christmas Eve
I woke up in a good mood again today and went straight to playing. I wouldn’t even sit down to eat breakfast. Eventually, Mommy and Daddy got some fruits and cheese in me, but they had to chase me around and put the food right into my hands. While playing I heard that Nana andContinue reading “Christmas Eve”
Arriving on Oahu
We arrived in Hawaii much earlier than scheduled and sped through passport control and customs. We got there so early that Nana and Papa were not there yet to meet us. So we went to meet them. I was so happy to see them! Although I was a bit embarrassed and played a little hardContinue reading “Arriving on Oahu”
Last day on Kauai
Today was our last full day on Kauai. It was supposed to be a really long visit but it felt very short. Where did the time go? Well, I guess a lot of the time was dedicated to eating and playing with cars, but besides that. It flew by way too fast. Just some ofContinue reading “Last day on Kauai”
Beach day
I woke up in a really bad mood and was contradictory about everything. It was a typical case of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. After I got some breakfast in me I was a lot better. We went to the farmers’ market this morning and there were a lot of thingsContinue reading “Beach day”
Mommy and Daddy are back
It was nice to be back at home with everyone in the house. The rest of the day was very pleasant and easy going. I found out that I had an additional set of Magna-tiles. That was an exciting surprise. Overall, I was just happy that Mommy and Daddy were back and was comfortable justContinue reading “Mommy and Daddy are back”
Water balloons and hotel pool
I woke up a almost normal time and went through my usual morning routine. I kind of got used to our daily life here in Hawaii. After getting dressed I played with a scalp massager and I’m not sure if I liked it or not. It was so ticklish. We ended up outside again andContinue reading “Water balloons and hotel pool”
Backyard pool and playground
As always I woke up in a really good mood and had a good breakfast. I asked to go outside and when outside I saw the pool and then asked to go into the pool. I changed into my swimwear and had a fun morning session in the pool. Daddy brought out a kiddie golfContinue reading “Backyard pool and playground”
Dinner at Keoki’s
We went out to dinner, kind of as a belated anniversary celebration for Nana and Papa. I was very well behaved and played with the car I was allowed to bring to dinner until the food arrived. And then I was all about the food. I really liked the bread that came before the meal,Continue reading “Dinner at Keoki’s”
Nana and Papa taking care of me
Mommy and Daddy went out this afternoon, and I was okay with it. Nana and Papa took care of me. We went outside to the backyard and Nana let me play with water balloons. I was having fun throwing them around and impressed Nana and Papa with my throwing arm. But after a while IContinue reading “Nana and Papa taking care of me”
Home with Nana and Mommy
Daddy and Papa went to play golf today so I had a fun day with Nana and Mommy. I was really well behaved and we had a lot of fun playing. I played with Legos again and asked Mommy to put together a set for me and she did so right away. I played withContinue reading “Home with Nana and Mommy”
Pool day
I woke up at my usual time today and again in a really good mood. I started off with a really good breakfast of fruits and then started my day. First thing I wanted to do was to play with Nana. We played with Hot Wheels a lot. For lunch we ate leftovers. I wasContinue reading “Pool day”