We had pizza for dinner and I got my favorite: pineapple pizza. I ate quite a bit, and salad as well (with Papa’s dressing). It was a fun dinner with good food and good coversation. I’m learning more about Western dinner. The “itadakimasu” is longer here and it is called saying grace. At first IContinue reading “Pizza dinner”
Tag Archives: hawaii
Car shopping
We had to go shopping to pick up things like diapers and breakfast foods, but also because Nana said that she would take me to get some new Hot Wheels. I was very excited about that. We all hopped in the car and headed to the store. I think we went through every single HotContinue reading “Car shopping”
Backyard adventure
After lunch Papa went to the backyard to do some yard work and get the hammock. When I saw him, I said that I wanted to go outside too. I just followed him around and bit and helped with the yard work. Then I saw the hose and wanted to play with it. Papa turnedContinue reading “Backyard adventure”
On Kauai
All of our flights went smoothly and we arrived on Kauai without any trouble. I was a great little traveler and did not cause Mommy and Daddy any trouble during our trek. As usual, Nana was waiting for us at the baggage claim and for once I was actually awake to see her. I usuallyContinue reading “On Kauai”
Potty conversation: healthy food
While on the potty on told Daddy that I was able to poop. He said that was good. I said it was because I had a lot of water and Daddy agreed that drinking a lot of water probably helped. We had an interesting conversation about health: Me: Water is healthy, yeah.Daddy: Yes, it is.M:Continue reading “Potty conversation: healthy food”
New Year’s Eve party
Went to friends house for dinner and fireworks. Even though I was fascinated by fireworks last year, I was not very into it this year. I did some poppers and watched Mommy play with sparklers, but other than that I was not interested in the fireworks.  I ate tons of fruits but was not in the bestContinue reading “New Year’s Eve party”
Rainy Day in Hawaii
I had another long sleep and did not wake up until 9. I was being watched on the baby monitor but I woke up and exited the room so quickly that I was out before anyone noticed that I was waking up. I had a breakfast of fruits and yogurt, but noticed everyone had eaten bagelsContinue reading “Rainy Day in Hawaii”
After dinner fun
After dinner I played a bunch. Watched some TV. Even showed Nana some of my favorite shows. It was getting late but I refused to take a bath. I wasn’t ready for the day to end. I eventually took a bath crying, but calmed down enough after to fall right to sleep when I wasContinue reading “After dinner fun”
Christmas Day Beach
It was such a nice Christmas day that we decided to go to the beach. I like the beach and did not hesitate at all to head to the water. I didn’t even wait for Mommy to get ready. I grabbed Daddy’s hand and headed straight for the waves. Playing in the waves near theContinue reading “Christmas Day Beach”
Christmas morning
It’s Christmas morning! So exciting! What are we taking pictures for? Let’s open some presents! Thank you everyone for all the great presents! Oh, and I almost forgot, Merry Christmas!
Santa’s visit
So there I was just sitting there, minding my own business, enjoying Christmas Eve. I even had a treat and was allowed to eat some Hi-Chew sweets, which I never had before. I was thinking, “This is the best! A great day with family on Kauai! Eating Hi-Chew! Nothing could ruin this day.” Then guessContinue reading “Santa’s visit”
Family dinner
We had a special “Welcome to Kauai” family dinner planned. The restaurant had hamburgers which I was really excited about. It was also only like 5 minutes away so there was no chance I was going to fall asleep during the car ride. I fell asleep during the car ride. I didn’t wake up whenContinue reading “Family dinner”
Heading home
I’m very sad to say that our trip to visit Nana and Papa had to come to an end. Thank you so much for everything Nana and Papa! We had a great time! We love you! Sorry I didn’t give you guys a better goodbye hug but I just didn’t want to say goodbye andContinue reading “Heading home”
Jello from Papa
The best way to end a great day (and a great trip in general) is to get a Jello treat from Papa. This is the man that has all the desserts. I’ll keep that in mind for my next visit.
Relay for Life
We went to the Relay for Life charity even on Kauai today. There was a lot to see, a lot to do, and lucky for me a lot to eat. I really enjoyed just being myself in my own little world there. It was nice because I got to spend a lot of time withContinue reading “Relay for Life”
Fish pond
We went to a charity event today and there was a fishpond there. Well, not a real fishpond, but a game for kids to get prizes. It was my first time fishing but I instantly got a bite. Hanapaa! I got a nice bag of goodies. There were some snacks, toys, stickers, and a cuteContinue reading “Fish pond”
Cooler moving
There must be some mistake. Someone put this cooler full of delicious food in the entryway instead of in my room. I must rectify this. It is heavy, but good thing it has wheels.
Being silly with Mommy
Smiling with Mommy
Patio snacking
I gotta tell you, snacks just taste better when hanging out in the patio.