We went to a farmers’ market today and it looked quite familiar. I think I had great food here once. Yep, I did. They sell some awesome pineapples here and make an awesome pineapple sorbet out of them. I shared a cup with Mommy, but I probably had more than my share. Yummy!
Tag Archives: hawaii
Sewing with Nana
Nana is making my Halloween costume again this year, just like she did the past two years. I was Baby Yoda and then I was a dinosaur. That was back before I could talk or to much else so I really couldn’t let her know what I wanted to be. But this year it isContinue reading “Sewing with Nana”
Bedtime book with Nana
Nana has kind of become my default bedtime book reader. Mommy and Daddy are temporarily sidelined.
Daddy’s cars
It’s nice that Nana and Papa’s house has a lot of cars for me to play with. It turns out that all these little Matchbox and HotWheels cars were Daddy’s from when he was a kid. I didn’t know that Daddy liked cars too! Liking cars must be in my blood.
Helping with the dishes
I try to do my part and help around the house. I helped with the dishes…sort of. I just closed the dishwasher.
One of the best summer fruits is watermelon! I had quite a bit this trip. The size of the watermelon pieces is deceiving because I can have 3 or 4 of them and not feel full at all.
Relaxing in the hammock
Screen time
After such a busy day I took a moment to unwind with Nana’s ipad.
Papa’s snack and diaper duty
Papa knows how I like my snacks and went out to buy me some Jello. So when I got back from my napping car ride he was ready with my afternoon snack. It was very yummy and refreshing! But being a Grandpa is not all fun and games. There are responsibilities as well. Papa wasContinue reading “Papa’s snack and diaper duty”
Spouting horn
After such fun time at the beach I fell asleep in the car right after we left the beach. I was quite exhausted. Instead of heading home and cutting my nap short, Mommy and Daddy went for a mini island tour. Instead of just circling around the same place as yesterday Daddy took Mommy (andContinue reading “Spouting horn”
Back at the beach
Yes, we are back at the beach again. Two beach days in a row! It’s nice to be in Hawaii. But today is different because I have a something special that I picked up at the store. What could it be? It took a bit to get ready so here I am waiting patiently forContinue reading “Back at the beach”
Just a little shopping
We stopped by the store to pick up just one thing. But it is a big thing and a very special thing. You’ll see what it is shortly. I picked it out myself. I was very happy to find it and can’t wait to use it!
Hanging with Nana
I’m just hanging with Nana. I don’t even bother trying to wake up or even find Mommy and Daddy in the morning. I just look for Nana and Papa in the family room or in their bedroom and then they hook me up with a diaper change, breakfast, and an outfit change. Once all thatContinue reading “Hanging with Nana”
Ice cream shop
After dinner, Daddy suggested we all go out for ice cream. He remembers family trips to the ice cream shop when he was young and wanted to share that with me. Mommy and Papa are huge ice cream fans so I think me loving ice cream is in my blood. I easily finished off myContinue reading “Ice cream shop”
I may love my fruits and eat a lot of everything, but I am very much a meat-eater. You should see me when we go out to an all-you-can-eat yakiniku restaurant. I eat up all the meat put on my plate the moment it is placed there. So tonight I was thrilled to see PapaContinue reading “Lamb”
Backyard tent
After we got home from the beach, Daddy unloaded all the beach gear and rinsed them off. When he got the tent set up again to rinse off I thought it looked like fun. So we enjoyed a mini backyard camp in the beach tent. It was nice to be able to run around theContinue reading “Backyard tent”
Loving my Lego construction vehicle
First thing I did when we came home from the beach was play with my Lego construction vehicle. Thank you again Maimai, Tata, Aunty Chris, and Uncle Matt!
Shave ice
On the way home from the beach we decided to stop for some shave ice. I woke up from my nap in the car just as we were pulling into the parking lot. The shave ice was very yummy, but I think I was still a little tired because I had a bit of aContinue reading “Shave ice”
After beach
I had such a good time at the beach! I think Mommy and Daddy let me stay longer than planned because I was having such a good time. Naturally, I was exhausted and was quickly asleep nearly the moment we left the beach. I suspect Mommy, Daddy, and Nana will drive around a bit toContinue reading “After beach”
Beach day on Kauai
We finally went to the beach today! We’ve been so busy having fun at home we didn’t think about going to the beach. I was so happy that we were finally here! But it took some time to get reaquainted with the beach. Ooh, look, fish! Taking the plunge Daddy is my seahorse. Up, up,Continue reading “Beach day on Kauai”