We stopped by a bento place on our way to the beach to pick up some lunch and we did a very good job. Everything was delicious and we had just about the right amount. I ate very well! (When do I not?)
Tag Archives: hawaii
Dinner at the Lanai
Having falling asleep in the car, I don’t remember how we got to the restaurant or our table, but I do remember being happy to see some food there when I woke up. I ate some fruits and bread and then perked up quite a bit. I wanted to go holoholo while waiting for ourContinue reading “Dinner at the Lanai”
Tired boy
We were head out for a nice dinner and I naturally fell asleep during the car ride. I had been up since 4:30 and didn’t have a proper nap. Mommy, Nana, and I were headed out to do some shopping and within a couple minutes I had fallen asleep in the car. So they tookContinue reading “Tired boy”
Backyard fun
Remember I mentioned that I took my Lego construction vehicle with me everywhere I went? I even took it outside with me to go play in the pool. But I was careful not to get it into the pool. Daddy had picked up a can of foam spray that he used to draw pictures onContinue reading “Backyard fun”
New Lego
My thoughtful cousins, and aunty and uncle got me a cool Lego set for construction vehicle. It looked so cool that I could hardly wait to play with it as Daddy put it together for me. Once he finished I literally carried it everywhere with me. Literally. It even came to the bath with me.
Sampling Mommy’s Starbucks
We had to run to the store to pick something up, and Mommy had a gift card from last year that she had to use up so she picked up a fruity drink. I had a sample taste and loved it. I had a few more sips after that as well and my sips gotContinue reading “Sampling Mommy’s Starbucks”
Around the house
I found Nana’s slippers and tried one of them on. They were very comfy and a pretty purple. I quite liked them. They were a little big, but I guess I will grow into them. Picking up from where we left off in Japan, I like to hang out with Nana on the couch andContinue reading “Around the house”
Opening the fridge
This is the beginning of the end for the grownups in the house. I know how to open the fridge. It sounds simple enough, but it is actually kind of difficult. The vacuum on the door is quite strong so I can’t just pull the door open. I figured out that if I open theContinue reading “Opening the fridge”
Best seat
It is official. I found the best seat in the house. It is so comfy! I usually take over Nana’s seat when she is not there but I wasn’t going to let her being there stop me. We were actually quite happy with the arrangement. I’ve been hanging around Nana a lot this morning. I’veContinue reading “Best seat”
Nana time
With Daddy and Papa away at golf, I spend the whole morning with Mommy and Nana. It really gave me a lot of time to hang out with Nana. We played, read books, talked a lot, and just enjoyed each other’s company. Everything we did was fun. We came up with a “lie down” game.Continue reading “Nana time”
Early morning
This jetlag is really messing with my sleep schedule. I woke up at 4:30 today. I went out of my room and found Nana and Papa awake in the family room. Apparently they are always up at this hour. Nana tried to get me back to bed, but I didn’t want to go. Then sheContinue reading “Early morning”
School bus
I got to see a real life school bus today! It was just like the toy one I got for this trip! It was so awesome to see one! Wow they are big!
Gotta play with the pool
I just have to play with the pool. It is there just begging to be played with. I managed to stay out of the pool and only play with the water a little bit. I found a train in the house that was just like the Kilohana train I rode today. We think it wasContinue reading “Gotta play with the pool”
Anole (lizards) in the backyard
There are so many things to see in a backyard. Apparently all the grandkids have always enjoyed finding and catching the anole (lizards) in the backyard. I am no different. They are very interesting little creatures.
Kilohana train ride
This morning we went on a train ride. I know what you are going to say, “There aren’t any trains on Kauai.” You are mostly right. There aren’t any trains for transportation, but there is one for a plantation tour. All I ever do is talk about trains, cars, buses, and airplanes. I mention themContinue reading “Kilohana train ride”
Wrong bed
At bedtime I went to Mommy and Daddy’s room and climbed up onto their bed. I’m so used to sleeping in the same room as them in Japan that it is hard to get used to the fact that I have my own bed and bedroom. I was promptly directed to my sleeping room.
After dinner books and ice cream
After I was done with dinner I brought Nana into the family room with me. I think that is becoming my new routine. We played a bit and Nana read me a few books. Then it was dessert time so I had some ice cream. I could get used to this Hawaii post-dinner routine. BooksContinue reading “After dinner books and ice cream”
Baking cookies
When I woke up from my nap the cookies were ready to be cut and baked. After cutting a few I wandered off having done my part. But I was to return once they were baked. I conducted a couple of taste tests after the cookies were baked and they were really good! Now weContinue reading “Baking cookies”
Falling asleep while eating
I had such a fun-filled morning that I was really tired at lunch. Also I still might not have shaken off the jetlag and caught up on my sleep. I was so tired that I actually nodded off while eating. That never happens to me. Even when I was a baby I never just noddedContinue reading “Falling asleep while eating”