While playing in the pool today I discovered how to use the hose. Things just got a lot more interesting. After all that pool fun I needed a juice break.
Tag Archives: hawaii
Nana and Papa have the best backyard. It is so big and there are so many fun things to see. I wandered around with Daddy and he showed me plants, bugs, and lizards. I ran around a bit, playing a bit of keep away with Daddy. But when outside in Hawaii, you kind of wantContinue reading “Backyard”
Nana and Papa’s chairs
Whenever I’m in the family room and not playing on the floor, I’m in Nana or Papa’s chair. They are so comfy that I can’t pass up the opportunity to sit there. It is also the perfect place to watch some TV.
Preparing cookies
The firefighters were so nice to me that we thought it would be a good idea to do something nice for them so we are going to make them some cookies. As luck would have it, I brought my vehicle cookie cutters with me because I thought it would be nice to make some cookiesContinue reading “Preparing cookies”
Firestation visit
Today I got a special treat and got to visit a fire station! As we pulled up I immediately noticed the fire engines and fire trucks and got really excited! I had heard that I would get to see some but I hadn’t realized that I could get right up close. The fire fighters wereContinue reading “Firestation visit”
Early Kauai morning
I woke up early again this morning and sought out Nana and Papa right away. I didn’t even bother looking for Mommy and Daddy. I was fine with Nana and Papa taking care of me in the morning. They played with me, changed my diaper, fed me, and got me dressed. Around that time MommyContinue reading “Early Kauai morning”
Kauai: Day 2
After a nice long sleep I got up pretty close to my normal weekend time. I climbed out of bed and went in search of Mommy and Daddy. First I went to the master bedroom because that is where I remember Mommy and Daddy sleeping on earlier trips. When I went it I didn’t findContinue reading “Kauai: Day 2”
Bedtime on Kauai (Hawaii time)
After dinner I had some time to play so I hung out with Nana and Papa. We explored my new cars a bit and tried figure out all the buttons and levers. Then before we knew it I had to get ready for bed. I had no trouble with my routine at Nana and Papa’sContinue reading “Bedtime on Kauai (Hawaii time)”
Kalbi (Hawaii time)
The kalbi that Papa made for dinner was delicious! I ate quite a bit. Basically, the moment Daddy put the cut pieces of meat on my plate they disappeared into my mouth. I love my fruits, but I’m also a meat eater. I may have eaten more than Nana did. I’m such a big boyContinue reading “Kalbi (Hawaii time)”
Backyard (Hawaii time)
One the best features of Nana and Papa’s house is the huge back yard. There are so many things to do and see. While Papa was cooking dinner, I started exploring. We went to see the anole lizards, when checked out the different plants, and just wandered around the yard a bit. Then I sawContinue reading “Backyard (Hawaii time)”
Arriving on Kauai (Hawaii time)
We arrived safely on Kauai and Nana and Papa were waiting for us. I was still a bit groggy from my sleep on the flight, but by the time we got to the house I was fine. Once we got to the house I was very happy to be there and everything came back toContinue reading “Arriving on Kauai (Hawaii time)”
In Hawaii! (Hawaii time)
We made it to Hawaii! One more flight and we’ll see Nana and Papa!
Kalapaki beach
There is not much I can say that can better describe our trip to the beach that you can’t see in the photos. We all had a great time and I am still pretty comfortable in the water! We had so much fun!
Christmas Morning on Kauai
By the time I got up, the rest of the household was already up for some time. There was a lot of excitement this Christmas morning. I was considering waking up earlier, but after such a long day of traveling, it was just not going to happen. But, I was happy to find that whenContinue reading “Christmas Morning on Kauai”
Long day and long night
Good morning! Boy, what a long night. This jet lag thing is pretty tough. But I surprised everyone by having considerably good sleep. It was a totally different room and crib, yet I went to sleep fairly quickly, less than 15 minutes. But after about an hour I woke up. My clock was all messedContinue reading “Long day and long night”
Grandpa carry (Hawaii)
I kind of surprised everyone and let Grandpa carry me only a few hours after meeting him. I finished my snack and was in a pretty good mood when Grandpa took a chance and came over to me holding his hands out. When I saw this, I held my hands out as well and heContinue reading “Grandpa carry (Hawaii)”
Waking up and meeting Grandma and Grandpa
Because of my nap on the airplane, the first time Grandma and Grandpa saw me in real life I was asleep. Still, they were thrilled to see me and Mommy and Daddy! If I had been awake, I’m sure I would have been able to feel the love they had for me even though itContinue reading “Waking up and meeting Grandma and Grandpa”
Last flight (Hawaii)
Even though it was my third flight of the day, I was still really interested in the airplane and what was going on outside of the airplane. I think I’m going enjoy regular traveling. I’m so comfortable on airplanes that it was quite easy for me to fall asleep. So I took a nap beforeContinue reading “Last flight (Hawaii)”
Arrived in Hawaii
We finally arrived in Hawaii! I’m so excited, but it doesn’t really show because I am also focused on being observant. I wan to make sure to take in everything that I see. It looks very different here. This is definitely not Japan. Our arrival went smoothly. We arrived on time, if not a littleContinue reading “Arrived in Hawaii”