I’m 4 months old! Wow! That was fast! I’m already 1/3 of a year old. It feels like I’m speeding toward that 1 year mark very quickly. I had my 4-month check up and I am a healthy baby, albeit a very large baby. The nurse had to take a couple measurements again just toContinue reading “4 Months Old”
Tag Archives: monthly
3 Months Old
I turned 3 months old today! Can you believe it! It feels like a long time but at the same time it feels like time just flew by. I’m growing and developing every day. I discover new things about the world and the world discovers new things about me. It has been a blast soContinue reading “3 Months Old”
2 Months Old
I turned 2 months old today! Look how much I’ve grown! It is amazing how much difference a month can make! I have a feeling that I’m not done growing, so keep checking in to watch my progress. Month by month growth:
1 month old (+3 days)
Mommy and Daddy bought this really cool gauze blanket to commemorate every month of my first year. With our busy schedule the past few days, they forgot to take my picture with it when I turned 1 month three days ago. Better late than never. They had fun taking pictures of me on the gauzeContinue reading “1 month old (+3 days)”