We’re all checked in and about to go get dinner before our flight, but I’m all ready to go! It has been a long time since I rode an airplane and I am very excited!
Tag Archives: travel
In Hawaii! (Hawaii time)
We made it to Hawaii! One more flight and we’ll see Nana and Papa!
Holo holo airplane
Yay! It is finally time to get on the airplane and go! I don’t get to do holo holo airplane very often so this is so much fun! I’m two-years old now so I get my own seat. That means I have to put on a seatbelt. Daddy explained the seatbelt sign to me andContinue reading “Holo holo airplane”
Trip babysitter
Mommy and Daddy are heading to a friend’s wedding today, so Obachan is coming along on our small trip to take care of me. I’m not sure where we are going but I’m sure I’ll be fine since Obachan will be there. She is my pal. We get along so well! She came over toContinue reading “Trip babysitter”
Second Airplane Ride
I was very excited about my second airplane ride. I loved the first one so I thought that second one would be just as good if not better. I was staring outside the window for a very long time, enjoying the new view and experience. After all the excitement of taking off, we moved seatsContinue reading “Second Airplane Ride”
First airplane ride
I went on my first airplane ride today! I thought it was awesome! I enjoyed it a lot! I wasn’t sure if I would like it or hate it. After all, airplane rides can be scary experiences for babies. I didn’t mind the enclosed space, I didn’t mind the strangers, I didn’t mind the loudContinue reading “First airplane ride”
Last flight (Hawaii)
Even though it was my third flight of the day, I was still really interested in the airplane and what was going on outside of the airplane. I think I’m going enjoy regular traveling. I’m so comfortable on airplanes that it was quite easy for me to fall asleep. So I took a nap beforeContinue reading “Last flight (Hawaii)”